
The Da Vinci Grid Ⅲ(roof system)

前回、オランダの彫刻家Rinus Roelofsダヴィンチグリッドでドーム構造を試作していることについて触れたが、さらにこれにアレンジを試みる人たちが他にもいる。
Glenn EasleyRikk Careyは、2008年、アメリカ、ネヴァダの Black Rock City で行なわれる芸術祭Burning Man でこのグリッドを応用した屋根構造を発表している。

In my last blog, I mentioned that Dutch sculptor Rinus Roelofs has experimented the prototype structure for the dome with the Da Vinci grid. But some other people also trying to arrange this.
In 2008,Glenn Easley and Carey Rikk exhibited the roof structure that has been presented by this grid in  America ,Nevada's Black Rock City Burning Man art festival.
Dome by the Da Vinci Grid
The view from the top and sides
Pattan of the Da Vinci Grid
もちろん建築の歴史上、この発想に関連する骨組みの構成については、古代より多岐にわったって持ち入れられてきた。それらに関しては以下の文献「Reciprocal Frame Architecture」でより詳しく紹介されている。

Of course, in the history of construction, the composition of the framework  related to this idea it has been used  variably from the ancient times.It is introduced about them in more detail by the following reference "Reciprocal Frame Architecture."

written by Olga Popovič Larsen
ここで、Reciprocal Frameとは何か端的に説明しておこう。
ただ、このReciprocal Frameは、幾何学的に平面構成を形成するのが特徴であり、おもに屋根のルーフィングとして用いられている。そのため建築構造上、屋根の構造を超える進展は見つけにくい。
だが、彼以前に既にこの発想の更なる展開に気付いた人物がいる。既にそのころにはReciprocal Frameの研究は知られる存在となっていた。

Here, I will explain some to be Reciprocal Frame directly. 
It is the composition of the framework realized in interdependence form, and the application is the structure of construction mainly.It may be said that the da Vinci grid is included in this conceptually.
However, it is the feature to form plane composition geometrically and this Reciprocal Frame is mainly used as structure of a roof. Therefore, it is hard to find the development beyond the structure of a roof on building construction.
According to Roelofs website, it is 2003 when he announced the da Vinci grid.
But, there is a person who has already noticed the further deployment of this way of thinking before him.The study of Reciprocal Frame has already come to be known at that time.


Da Vinci Grids Ⅱ(Patern)

ダヴィンチ・グリッドの重要性に気付いた人の中に、オランダの彫刻家Rinus Roelofsがいる。彼は幾何学に詳しく、それを基に彫刻を行なっている。

Some people realized the importance of the Da Vinci Grid, Dutch sculptor Rinus Roelofs is one of them. He has intimate knowledge of geometry. His sculptures are based on it.
From this time ,it had already growing common recognition of this grid in different areas  of geometry.That had also  became a factor to find the multi-axis body( Polyaxes later.


Roelofs has devised different patterns of the da Vinci grid.
Images shown here are models made based on Da Vinci sketches. They have arranged a bit.For more details, please refer to
his site or the site of Leonardo sticks.
The grid is composed by connecting a simple pattern. The middle model shows a part. of it.
And the grid form structure of the hemispherical dome in the image on the right.


Let's see the smallest unit (module) that make a triangle or square form.
By crossing each other structural materials, the module lifted from the floor and formed a convex surface.


The geometrical important image is that , if the structure material became infinitely thin , the module will be integrated with floor. But I'll have retained further development of this image in this level at this stage,because it will be necessary in the level in which forms form energy.


Well, this module is the formation of dome-shaped structure, da Vinci must have been aware of it too.It is an extension of his idea of a bridge structure (leonardothat I showed last time.
Around the level of classical geometry was not so different from the first half of the last century,until geometer H.S. Coxeter  was active.


The meaning of that structure begins to be indicated fairly finally at the end of the last century when non-Euclid idea intervenes the classics geometry.


As a first step in achitecture,  various geometric attempts were done. Fuller's work in that might be simple and be comprehensible.
It can be said also that the appearance of the tensegrity as the essence was a calling of time even relations of two or more pioneers.