Full text reprint from 3D Warehouse:TaffGoch
Geodesic sphere nexorade (aka, rotegrity,) comparable to the reciprocal-frame constructed by Japanese architect/artist, Hiroshi Murata • Note that Murata presents two different versions at his website • This SketchUp model replicates the spherical design on the cover of his book • Murata further modified his design, to produce, in the full-scale dome, vertical struts at the equator, providing easier entryways • This model is a nexorade tessellation of the icosahedron; Class-I, frequency 3v • This model is not identical to Murata's • This model employs struts that have holes (at the cross-over nodes) that are evenly-spaced (strut lengths evenly-divided by 3) • Click on the purple model logo to read the forum discussion • Visit the URL link below, to see Hiroshi Murata's reciprocal-frame constructions: